“Truly magical and life-changing! A testimony that the Law of Gratitude is more powerful than the Law of Attraction … a must-read for all!”
—Denis Waitley, author of Seeds of Greatness.
This Is The Moment!
How One Man’s Yearlong Journey
Captured the Power
of Extraordinary Gratitude.
Foreword by Ken Blanchard.

Audio / Video
➢ Interview with Walter Green
➢ Setting the stage for gratitude conversations.
➢ I will forever count my blessings.
“Truly magical and life-changing! A testimony that the Law of Gratitude is more powerful than the Law of Attraction … a must-read for all!”
—Denis Waitley, author of Seeds of Greatness.
This Is The Moment!
How One Man’s Yearlong Journey
Captured the Power
of Extraordinary Gratitude.
Foreword by Ken Blanchard.